David W. Cash | US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

EPA Proposes Cleanup Plan for Keddy Mill Superfund Site Superfund Site in Windham, Maine




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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has today proposed a plan to clean up the Keddy Mill Superfund Site, located on Depot Street in Windham, Maine. The proposed plan details measures EPA will take to clean up the soil, sediment (inclusive of fish tissue), and groundwater at the site. This cleanup will be comprehensive and protective of human health and the environment. EPA will also accept public comments on the proposed plan for 30 days, and will hold a public information meeting and public hearing on the proposed plan.

"This proposed cleanup plan reflects EPA's recommendations on how to best address contaminated soil, sediment, and groundwater at the Keddy Mills site," said EPA New England Regional Administrator David W. Cash. "This is an important step bringing the Windham community closer to an effective cleanup of the site. EPA is eager to get input from the community and other interested stakeholders on this proposed plan."

EPA's proposed plan summarizes risks posed by contamination at the site and presents an evaluation of cleanup options. EPA also identifies the Agency's preferred cleanup alternative along with the other cleanup options considered.

EPA's preferred alternative in the proposed plan, which would be implemented following the substantial completion of an EPA-authorized "Non-Time-Critical Removal Action" to demolish the mill complex and associated structures, generally includes the following components:

  • Excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 22,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil;
  • Targeted treatment of soil excavations with amendments in support of groundwater cleanup;
  • In situ (in place) treatment of groundwater;
  • Excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 320 cubic yards of contaminated sediments from the Presumpscot River;
  • Site restoration including riverbed, riverbank, wetland and floodplain habitat;
  • Land use restrictions (called "Institutional Controls" or ICs) to prevent exposure to Site-related contaminants in groundwater and fish tissue until cleanup levels are met;
  • Inspections and limited operation and maintenance (O&M);
  • Monitoring of groundwater and fish tissue to evaluate the achievement of cleanup levels; and
  • Five-Year Reviews to assess the protectiveness of the remedy.
Public Comment Opportunity, Public Information Meeting, and Formal Public Hearing

EPA will host a hybrid information session on June 27th at 6:00 p.m. The in-person meeting will be held at the South Windham Station 33 Main St. Windham, ME 04062 and virtual meeting links be found on the website at The public meeting will be to update the community of EPA's findings as a result of completing various studies at the site and answer any questions.  These completed studies (referred to as a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study or "RI/FS" and inclusive of human health and ecological risk assessment documentation), these studies influenced EPA's preferred cleanup alternative (documented in a proposed plan). The formal public comment period for the proposed plan will begin on June 28th and will run for 30 days.

EPA will also hold a hybrid formal public hearing for the Keddy Mill Superfund Site to accept comments on the proposed plan on July 18, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The hybrid public hearing will be held 33-35 Main Street in Windham, Maine and in-person attendance is welcomed. Community members can also join virtual with links to the hearing found on EPA's website; EPA will not respond to comments during the hearing, but all formal comments received during the public comment period will be reviewed by EPA before making a final cleanup decision. EPA will prepare written responses to comments received during the formal public comment period.

Voicemail and written comments may also be submitted until July 28, 2023 via phone, email, fax or mail to: Jeffry Saunders, Remedial Project Manager, US EPA New England, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, SNR07-1 Boston, MA 02109; EMAIL:; PHONE: 617-918-1351; FAX: 617-918-0352.


EPA added the Keddy Mill Superfund Site to the National Priorities List (aka Superfund) in 2014. The site consists of a 6.93-acre abandoned mill complex property, located at 7 Depot Street (the Mill Complex Property), an adjacent reach of the Presumpscot River, and associated riparian properties in Windham, Maine.

The site has a long history, with operations beginning in the late 1700s and ending in 1997. The building that will be demolished and removed was used as a grist and carding mill, pulp mill, box-board manufacturing facility and as a steel mill. Throughout the industrial history, several buildings have been demolished and others added to the mill complex. The site has contamination from various hazardous substances, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons.

More information:

A copy of the proposed cleanup plan, the Administrative Record supporting the cleanup plan, and instructions how to submit comments and other background information about the Keddy Mill Superfund Site can be found at:

The Windham Public Library located at 217 Windham Center Road, Windham, Maine 04062 (phone: 207-982-1908) can be used as a point of access to reach the online Administrative Record for the Site. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact Charlotte Gray, EPA Community Involvement Coordinator at or 617-918-1243. tollfree 1-888-372-7341 ext. 8-1243

Original source can be found here.



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