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Wenstrup Reveals Explosive Emails from Fauci Ally, Requests Additional Communications

On the Hill



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Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) is investigating a potential violation of federal record keeping laws at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) by Senior Scientific Advisor Dr. David Morens. Emails acquired by the Select Subcommittee reveal concerning, potentially illegal actions taken by Dr. Morens to evade accountability to the American people — including the use of his personal email to avoid the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), deleting federal records, and disparaging fellow scientists in his official capacity. Further, in order to conceal his involvement, it appears that Dr. Anthony Fauci asked Dr. Morens to publicly suppress the lab leak theory because “Tony doesn’t want his fingerprints on origin stories.”

Chairman Wenstrup is requesting all documents and communications from Dr. Morens’ personal email and cellphone related to eight, unique COVID origins publications as well as any additional correspondence between Dr. Morens and key actors involved in the COVID origins investigation and narrative. The Select Subcommittee also requests Dr. Morens for a transcribed interview.

“In one e-mail you write that you ‘always try to communicate over gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly.’ You continue, ‘[d]on’t worry, just send to any of my addresses and I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times,’” writes Chairman Wenstrup. “On one occasion, in response to a report in The Intercept entitled, ‘New Details emerge About Coronavirus Research at Chinese Lab,’ you use your official platform to encourage EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. President Dr. Peter Daszak to ‘not rule out suing these assholes for slander.’ While this e-mail was also sent from your personal e-mail, your email signature includes ‘OD [Office of the Director], NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases], NIH [National Institutes of Health].’” 

Dr. Morens’ troubling emails beg serious questions about his scientific objectivity as a NIAID official, his intentional suppression of differing opinions by encouraging wrongful litigation, and government bureaucrats’ influence over the public narrative of COVID-19 origins. As the Select Subcommittee continues to investigate the origination of COVID-19, fully examining this suspicious and potentially unlawful behavior is a critical step towards accountability and transparency for the American people. Public health officials are not above the law — especially in times of crisis.

“These e-mails raise additional serious concerns about your objectivity while stationed in the Office of the Director of NIAID—an agency that obligates billions of dollars annually. The Select Subcommittee has questions about whether you made or influenced any funding decisions based on your personal motives or biases towards scientists,” continued Chairman Wenstrup.

Read Chairman Wenstrup’s letter to Dr. David Morens here.

Original source can be found here.



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