James Comer | House Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairman-Elect

Comer: IRS Whistleblowers Reveal Justice Department Attempted a Biden Family Cover-Up

On the Hill



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House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) issued the following statement on IRS whistleblower testimony revealing that the Department of Justice interfered in the U.S. Attorney for Delaware’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax evasion:

“Americans have been wondering why the Justice Department took five years to do what H&R Block could have done in five hours. Now we know that Biden’s Justice Department has been actively engaged in a cover-up to protect the Bidens from facing justice. We now also know that critical evidence contained within the FBI’s Biden bribery record was not shared with tax investigators who have since revealed they had potentially corroborating evidence during the investigation. Americans are angry about this two-tiered system of justice that allows the politically connected to operate above the law.

“In five months, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s investigation into the Bidens has revealed evidence of corruption, influence peddling, and possibly bribery. Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal and the Justice Department’s efforts to obstruct justice only embolden our efforts to follow the facts and deliver answers, transparency, and accountability to the American people. We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in his family’s schemes is revealed. Accountability is coming.”

According to the second IRS whistleblower’s supplemental submission, the FD-1023 form alleging then-Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden received $5 million each as part of a bribery scheme with a Burisma executive was not shared with tax investigators. The whistleblower emphasized it would have been relevant to the investigation since they had email correspondence from May 2014 referencing a $5 million payment.

Original source can be found here.



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