Water | pexels by Aleksandr Slobodianyk

EPA Expands Public Comment Opportunities for Draft Determination to Protect Cape Cod's Sole Source of Drinking Water




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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is increasing the ways members of the public and other interested parties may submit comments regarding the draft determination under the Safe Drinking Water Act that a Multi-Purpose Machine Gun Range proposed to be constructed by the Massachusetts Army National Guard may contaminate the Cape Cod Aquifer. There are no reasonably available alternative drinking water sources for Cape Cod residents should the aquifer become contaminated.

EPA is accepting public comment on this proposal for 60 days, through June 26, and is holding a formal Public Hearing on May 24, 2023. Because EPA anticipates high interest in the May 24 Public Hearing, EPA is expanding the options for people to submit comments for the formal public record of this action.

Public Engagement Process

During the remainder of the 60-day public comment period, the public and interested stakeholders may submit comments for EPA's consideration:

  • Written comments may be submitted to: R1SSAComments@epa.gov
  • Verbal comments may be submitted on a voicemail box at (617) 918-1800
  • In person comments can be submitted during the public hearing on May 24th.
The May 24, 2023 public hearing will be held at:Center for Active Living70 Quaker Meetinghouse RoadSandwich, Mass.

The formal public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be preceded by an informational public meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. Individuals with accessibility or translation requests may contact Melanson.Kate@epa.gov for assistance.

The meeting and public hearing will be live streamed via Zoom at https://usepa.zoomgov.com/j/1605125622?pwd=TXkyY29CNG9vR2tvUEkraWNONm82dz09. People may watch and listen to the public meeting and public hearing using this virtual option, however public comments will not be accepted over zoom. Those who wish to comment during the public hearing can attend in person, or use the noted email box or voicemail box to submit comments.

All comments timely received will be reviewed and considered by the Region, along with other available information. If, after evaluating this material, EPA's Regional Administrator continues to believe that the proposed project may create a significant public health hazard, he will then forward the information to the EPA Administrator with a recommended conclusion that the project may contaminate the aquifer through the recharge zone so as to create a significant hazard to public health. The EPA Administrator will then make a final determination. Should this determination become final, no commitment of federal financial assistance (through a grant, contract, loan guarantee, or otherwise) may be allowed.

More Information:

EPA information on Cape Cod Sole Source Aquifer and EPA documents about the draft determination: https://www3.epa.gov/region1/eco/drinkwater/capecod.html

To join the May 24 public meeting or formal public hearing by Zoom:

Join ZoomGov Meeting: https://usepa.zoomgov.com/j/1605125622?pwd=TXkyY29CNG9vR2tvUEkraWNONm82dz09 

Meeting ID: 160 512 5622Passcode: 29473766One tap mobile+16692545252,,1605125622# US (San Jose)+16468287666,,1605125622# US (New York)

Dial by your location+1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)+1 646 828 7666 US (New York)+1 551 285 1373 US+1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)Meeting ID: 160 512 5622Find your local number: https://usepa.zoomgov.com/u/aKen7eslR

Original source can be found here.



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